Challenges for Month
The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. As the land of the land, the mourning nor the corporal of the land, the pillow of the lion.
1 month
- 3,30 € per dishes
- 60 dishes
- Min one chance to win
- a trip of 3
- Sunny Days
- Postage offered
- Community and coaching
Registration date for the October challenge:
From September 15 to October 05
3 months
- 3,30 € per dishes
- 60 dishes
- Min one chance to win
- a trip of 5
- Sunny Days
- Postage offered
- Community and coaching
Min 3 chance to win a trip of 5
Single registration date for the 3-month challenge :
From September 15 to October 05/ Next registration in January.
147,90 €
6 months
- 2,64 per dishes without engagement
- Min 6 chance to win a trip of 3
- Sunny Days to win a
- Min 2 chance to win a trip of 3
- Postage offered
- Community and coaching
Min one chance to win a trip of 7
opening of the challenge in December :
How to Participate
- 01 Set your goal
- 02 Order your pack
- 03 Reach your goal with quality nutrition and a supportive community
- 04 Enter your results to be eligible
- 05 If you have reached your goal,
- receive a ticket to win a trip to the sun
- with a professional shoot
Effective and balanced nutrition
To boost motivation, stuff yourself with sunny goodvibes. It’s proven! Connect to our insta, you will participate in lives every week and receive daily tips to lose weight with the smile
Rejoins la communauté sur notre groupe Facebook: chaque semaine, on organise un défi ludique pour changer tes habitudes. Si tu gagnes le défi, tu reçois un pack d’une semaine de programme minceur!
parce que perdre du poids définitivement, ça change la vie. C’est se sentir libérée des complexes, c’est se retrouver soi, confiante et prête à croquer la vie à pleine dent. WAOUW!
Se récompenser après un tel effort est fondamental. Nous avons décidé d’allouer chaque mois un budget pour récompenser une Catlion, et lui offrir un voyage au soleil, avec un shooting pour immortaliser son renouveau. BRAVO!!!!
Find here the rules of the challenge
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